腦磁激(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS)是一項安全非入侵性的醫療新技術,利用磁性脈衝產生的電場來調節腦部特定神經迴路(brain circuit)活動。作為一種非藥物的腦神經迴路療法(brain circuit therapeutics),TMS治療只會影響腦部特定神經迴路,對我們身體其他部分的化學成分組成不會產生影響。過去30年來,已經有大量的臨床研究數據支持TMS的治療效果,特別是針對精神科和腦神經科相關疾病,譬如抑鬱症,焦慮症,強迫症,腦退化症,慢性神經痛,中風康復,耳鳴等。
最新腦神經科學研究發現,抑鬱症患者出現情緒長時間低落、對事物失去興趣、負面思考、自責內疚以及自殺念頭等症狀,可能是由於腦部負責認知/思考功能 (左背外側前額葉皮層活動減退) 和情緒功能(前扣帶皮層、杏仁核等活動過度)相關神經迴路未能正常有效運作[1,2]。美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)已於2008年批准第一代非導航TMS技術用於治療對抗抑鬱藥反應不佳的抑鬱症患者 [3-5]。TMS治療利用電磁線圈產生的磁性脈衝,根據神經可塑性(neural plasticity)原理,調節腦部與認知/思考和情緒功能相關的神經迴路活動,達致治療抑鬱症的效果 [6,7],不會有任何藥物治療所帶來的副作用和戒斷反應問題。
要達致最佳治療效果,TMS治療需要準確地針對腦部特定神經迴路進行調節 [8,9]。我們每個人都是獨特的個體,每個人的腦部大小,結構,治療所需的磁性脈衝強度和最佳治療位置也不盡相同。因此,我們診所採用目前全球唯一精準度經腦外科臨床驗證,並獲美國FDA批准用於治療抑鬱症的SmartFocus® TMS系統,配備最先進的三維磁力共振腦部影像(3D brain MRI)/電場導航(E-field navigation)技術,為每一位患者提供個體化的精準TMS治療。最新臨床數據顯示,經過一個療程SmartFocus® TMS治療後,77%的患者抑鬱症狀得到顯著改善,50.3%的患者抑鬱症狀得到完全解除 [10],同第一代非導航TMS技術比較,治療效果明顯提升 [5,10]。
TMS治療的潛在副作用包括刺激部位的頭皮不適,短暫性頭痛和治療期間輕度的前額或者面部肌肉抽動。TMS治療存在誘發腦抽筋(seizure)的罕見風險,大約每30000次中可能會有1次,同常見抗抑鬱藥的誘發腦抽筋的風險相若 (0.1%)。
了解更多關於SmartFocus® TMS治療的資訊 ,請瀏覽:
1. Padmanabhan, J. L., Cooke, D., Joutsa, J., Siddiqi, S. H., Ferguson, M., Darby, R. R., . . . Fox, M. D. (2019). A Human Depression Circuit Derived From Focal Brain Lesions. Biological Psychiatry, 86(10), 749-758.
2. Jodie P. Gray, M.S. ,, Veronika I. Müller, Ph.D. ,, Simon B. Eickhoff, M.D. ,, & Peter T. Fox, M.D. Multimodal Abnormalities of Brain Structure and Function in Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies. American Journal of Psychiatry, 0(0), appi.ajp.2019.19050560.
3. O’Reardon, J. P., Solvason, H. B., Janicak, P. G., Sampson, S., Isenberg, K. E., Nahas, Z., . . . Sackeim, H. A. (2007). Efficacy and Safety of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Acute Treatment of Major Depression: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial. Biological Psychiatry, 62(11), 1208-1216.
4. Lisanby, S. H., Husain, M. M., Rosenquist, P. B., Maixner, D., Gutierrez, R., Krystal, A., . . . George, M. S. (2009). Daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the acute treatment of major depression: Clinical predictors of outcome in a multisite, randomized controlled clinical trial. Neuropsychopharmacology, 34(2), 522-534.
5. Carpenter, L. L., Janicak, P. G., Aaronson, S. T., Boyadjis, T., Brock, D. G., Cook, I. A., . . . Demitrack, M. A. (2012). Trancranial Magnetic Stimulation for Major Depression: A Multisite, Naturalistic, Observational Study of Acute Treatment Outcomes in Clinical Practice. Depression and Anxiety, 29(7), 587-596.
6. Hadas, I., Sun, Y., Lioumis, P., Zomorrodi, R., Jones, B., Voineskos, D., . . . Daskalakis, Z. J. (2019). Association of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment With Subgenual Cingulate Hyperactivity in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 2(6), e195578-e195578.
7. Eshel, N., Keller, C. J., Wu, W., Jiang, J., Mills-Finnerty, C., Huemer, J., . . . Etkin, A. (2020). Global connectivity and local excitability changes underlie antidepressant effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuropsychopharmacology.
8. Rosen, A. C., Bhat, J. V., Cardenas, V. A., Ehrlich, T. J., Horwege, A. M., Mathalon, D. H., . . . Yesavage, J. A. (2021). Targeting location relates to treatment response in active but not sham rTMS stimulation. Brain Stimulation, 14(3), 703-709.
9. Modak, A., & Fitzgerald, P. B. (2021). Personalising transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression using neuroimaging: A systematic review. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 1-23. doi:10.1080/15622975.2021.1907710
10. Nexstim Gives an Update on its Promising Treatment Results of Major Depressive Disorder Press Release, Helsinki, 12 March 2021 at 10.00 (EET):